The Jambar Regional medical care facilities are facing a decline both locally and nationally, with several closures this past year. Near the Mahoning Valley, Sharon Regional Medical Center in Sharon,...
The Jambar Throughout the history of recorded music, many styles have overtaken the airwaves. Be it one of the thousands of genres and subgenres, The Jambar feels that only one...
The Jambar Unidentified flying objects, commonly known as UFOs, were first identified in the 50s by the U.S. Air Force. More often than not, when people talk about UFOs, they...
The Jambar A new semester at Youngstown State University ushers in another busy four months for The Jambar. 2024 was arguably the biggest year for the publication, in terms of...
The Jambar I’ve been through a lot in my time at The Jambar, and while my tenure here has been shorter than many others’, I’ve found this experience so rewarding....
The Jambar Now and then, The Jambar will publish an editorial ranking our favorite songs or musicians. Whether it’s guitarists, bassists or albums, The Jambar has a very musical editorial...