Powers Fund donates to Women in Science and Engineering February 15, 2012August 13, 2013 The Edward W. Powers Charitable Fund donated $100,000 to the Women in Science and Engineering Career Day at a…
Retired professor returns for piano performance February 15, 2012August 13, 2013 Roman Rudnytsky will return to the Dana School of Music for a guest piano recital on Feb. 26 at…
Rock solid February 15, 2012August 13, 2013 Youngstown State University alumnus William Williams said he remembers anti-war protests outside of Kilcawley Center in the 1960s. “They…
Student involved in crash, two others sent to hospital February 15, 2012August 13, 2013 On Tuesday, a car accident involving a 2010 Dodge Avenger driven by a YSU student and a 2008 Chevy Impala…
Surviving the treatment YSU alumna fights for life February 15, 2012August 13, 2013 Stephanie Chimento was one of thousands to hear the three words that no one ever wants to hear: “You…
The king of shame February 15, 2012August 13, 2013 LeBron James has done just about everything he can to tear down his own empire. Whether it was broadcasting…