This summer, the Youngstown State University department of Housing and Residence Life disconnected landlines in three residence halls, a decision that will save the department approximately $50,000 per year.
Danielle Meyer, director of YSU Housing and Residence Life, said the department has been considering deactivating the lines for the past couple years, as the popularity of landline phones has decreased.
“We decided to disconnect the landlines in the residence halls because we have noticed a significant decline in the use of the lines over the last several years. Our students have told us they do not use the lines, very few had a phone actually plugged in,” Meyers said.
In March, Housing and Residence Life conducted a student satisfaction survey. Of the residents who completed the survey, only 13 percent said they used the phone lines.
Meyer added that the money saved on landlines will be put to good use.
“The most obvious reason for our residents to care [about the deactivated landlines] would be that those saved dollars can now be spent in other, more impactful, areas within Housing and Residence Life,” Meyers said.
Though not earmarked for one particular project, Meyers said she expects that the saved money will go toward upcoming renovation projects in Cafaro House, Kilcawley House and Weller House.
Many YSU residents said they did not know the landlines were shut off.
Brock DeAngelo, a first year biology major and Cafaro House resident, said he did not intend to use landline services.
“I was entirely unaware that Housing has made the executive decision to shut off landlines to the student dormitories. However, I fail to see how it really affects me, because students in college use cellphones on such a regular basis that it almost reduces the need for any landline,” DeAngelo said.
Tyler Miller-Gordon, a first year philosophy and French major, agreed with DeAngelo.
“I don’t see [shutting the phone lines off] as too much of a concern,” Miller-Gordon said. “Students don’t necessarily use landlines, because they are paying for cell phone services, regardless. … I think it’s great that YSU is trying to save money.”
Meyers said the department of Housing and Residence Life has not received many complaints from students regarding the deactivated phone lines.
“Most residents have not mentioned the phone lines at all. We have had a couple of residents ask about the landlines and were concerned about the lack of landline in their rooms, but we have explained the decision and offered an alternative to those students,” she said.
Students who still wish to use a landline telephone can pay a $20 fee for a line to be activated in their dorm room. These students will be able to receive and make local calls from their room but will have to pay for their usage.