We are all anonymous.

We’re living in a comic book. Stan Lee himself couldn’t even dream this up.

Masked vigilantes expose wrongdoings from behind their computer screens while the rest of us watch in awe.

The hacktivist collective known as Anonymous has made the mightiest branches of the U.S. government aware of its power with a few swift keystrokes.

Corrupt politicians can pull the wool over our eyes no longer, for the meekest among us have become our heroes.

Guy Fawkes masks shield their true identities while they reveal the true faces of our elected leaders.

In the past few months, Anonymous has gained global attention for its reveal of Steubenville’s cover-up in the football team’s rape case, coordinated efforts to repudiate the Westboro Baptist Church and retaliation of Aaron Swartz’s untimely suicide.

Anonymous gave the man the finger and turned the U.S. Sentencing Commission’s website into a playable game of asteroids.

A society’s growing dependence on technology will lead only to more cyber attacks. The next world war will be fought, largely in part, with computers. Our allegiance should fall with those who have repeatedly exhibited a pattern of trust, character and responsibility.

For too long, our government has been devoid of those traits.

The Occupy movement in 2011 caused a stir among the more ardent staffers in The Jambar office. While views still differ on the impact it had, we now undeniably support Anonymous.

In the imaginations of its supporters, Anonymous is a real-life superhero, seeking no reward. Its only mission is to foil the plans of wrongdoers.

1 comments Anonymous Tue Jan 29 2013 20:53 Short, but really meaningful article. Bravo, THE JAMBAR EDITORIAL STAFF, Bravo.