Veterinary Science Expo

The first annual Youngstown State University Veterinary Science Expo was held on Sept. 29 at DeBartolo Hall. The YSU Pre-Veterinary Society sponsored this event, which featured three expert veterinarians- Ric Berlinkski, Kelley Kilar and Tina Costarella. Berlinkski, a vet at the Toledo Zoo, spoke about working with exotic animals, and said zoo medicine is the hardest field in veterinary medicine to get into. Kilar discussed caring for small, usually domesticated, animals. Costarella, who takes care of large animals, talked about wanting to start a veterinary program with the biology department in which students could have the chance to job shadow her.  Colleen Maskarinec, founder of the YSU Pre-Veterinary Society, said she was grateful to have the veterinarians there to interact with and inspire the students. Most of the attendees were YSU students who are pursuing a degree in veterinarian medicine.


All photos by Alyssa Pflug/ The Jambar. 


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