By Anthony DiPiero

Thanks to (in no particular order):
Mary: I could probably write a whole paper about how much you meant to me at The Jambar. Thank you for everything that you have done. Thank you for motivating me and helping me gain the confidence in my advertising ability when at the start I had none. You were always helpful, worked to correct any mistakes that I made, and gave me the chance to build business relationships. You didn’t give up on me when sales were slow in the beginning. Your patience taught me that it’s a marathon and not a sprint. Sales will eventually follow with hard work and determination — and they did. It’s three years later and I can honestly say that I’ll miss you and the time that we worked together. Thank you for everything. I truly mean that.
Mary Beth: Three years ago, I walked into my interview not knowing what to expect. I didn’t even know if I wanted to write, but you suggested I join the advertising staff. All I can say is this — thank you. I now know what I would like to do in life after graduation. The Jambar has opened many doors for my future and I owe all of that to you. I appreciate your willingness to let me learn and grow on the job, and that’s something I will never forget. I hope I represented The Jambar well during my time there. Your guidance and enthusiasm for journalism is amazing, and I hope I take those same traits into marketing.
Joe: Thanks for the Tribe games, playing catch and the endless sports talk. There’s probably more that I could write, but I have to go to the bathroom first.
Dustin: It was great getting to know you over the years. You handled the difficult task of going to school while being a husband and a father like a pro, and I commend you for that. Your Friday morning radio show was a great experience and I was glad to be your partner. “The Dusty Trail” is now closed. (That’s what she said?)
Steve: The office is going to miss your jokes and pranks. You’re a great writer, and I look forward to reading some of your work with the Marlins. Don’t make Ichiro angry or get caught in an illegal immigration scheme.
Liam: Although you were power hungry and full of self-admiration, you were an admirable editor in chief. You are insane and malevolent, but I respect you for your allegiance to the newspaper. I wish you prosperity in your impending days.
Frank: Your passion for journalism and Springsteen will never be matched. It was great getting to know you in the office, and I wish you the best at law school in the fall. That’s pretty awesome.
Graig: I hope you shake the tyranny left behind by Liam’s rule and create a system that benefits all. You’ll do great as the editor in chief.
Amanda: I didn’t leave you out. I’m not that mean. I’ll remember our time at Arby’s in New Orleans when I had no idea who you were. I wish those days were back (ANTHONY). Our communication has always been insults, and I don’t see that changing.
Gabby: You’re one of the most true-to-yourself people that I know. Good luck next year as the managing editor. No one in the office doubts your ability.
Megan: I know you came to the office in a difficult situation. I’m sorry that I was standoffish at first. You made the transition incredibly well, and it was great working with you this past semester.
Jordan: I think the reason that we never had problems is because I never wrote anything — until now. I hope editing this was alright. If it was painful and caused you to yell, well I guess I joined the club. Kidding aside, I wish you the best in your future.
Cassy: You were my favorite EIC during my three years at the paper. (I can feel Liam’s eyes glare into my soul.) Thanks for laughing at my jokes and for sharing the SpongeBob references.
Thanks to the five designers that I worked with — Kevin, Paris, Keely, Corin and Stacy — for creating great layouts and for putting up with me. That’s not an easy thing to do.
Dan and Justin: Don’t kill each other.
If I didn’t mention you by name, don’t be offended — I was limited to a strict word count, so blame Liam. Everyone at The Jambar meant something to me. As I sit at my desk for the final production night and see all of the people and Indians gear in my sight, I can look back at the last three years and know that I made a lot of memories, had a lot of fun, and did the best that I could for the newspaper. This is fine. It’s been a great ride, and it’s time to move on. Go Tribe.