By Jack Dawson
Jambar Contributor
Nestled in a small corner office on the first floor of Kilcawley center is Youngstown State University Student Security Services. Student Security Services is an asset that students can use for transportation, escorts and disability services.
Chris Eichler has been working for Student Security Services for three semesters. He said the job is a way for students to help other students in a variety of different ways.
“We escort people to and from class and their cars, and we help transport students that are injured or have disabilities,” Eichler said.
Eichler said he enjoys getting to help people and the only downside of the job is when there are too many requests for pickups and escorts at the same time and things get slowed down.
“People get upset and complain when things are slow,” Eichler said, “But we do our best to get people where they need to go in a timely manner.”
Tyce Gall has worked with the Student Security Service team for around three months now, and wishes more people took advantage of the services they provide.
“I really wish more people knew about us and what we do. I feel like we’re underutilized by most students,” Gall said.
Gall said how busy the service is fluctuating from day to day.
“Most of the calls we receive are for medical reasons, and on a busy day we probably get around 50 calls,” Gall said, “But a lot of the time it’s really inconsistent. There’s times when we’re really busy, and other times we don’t get called at all.”
Hannah Sprowl has been working for campus security for three months now.
“It’s always busiest during the middle of the day, that’s when we get the most calls to take students to and from class,” Sprowl said.
Student Security Services personnel are often seen transporting students around campus on golf carts.
Gall said Student Security Services is here to make students feel safe and help them have an easier time on campus. Like all things, to operate Student Security Services costs money.
“It would be great to get more funding to create greater accessibility for students here on campus,” Gall said.
To get in contact with Student Security Services, student and faculty members should call 330-941-1515 to receive an escort between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. between Monday and Thursday, and Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Outside of these hours, students can contact the YSU police department at 330-941-3527.