By Morgan Petronelli
The Jambar had a discussion with the Student Government Association president and executive vice president candidates, to get to know them and their campaign’s platform better before voting ends on April 6. To vote, go to “Student Organizations” in the YSU Portal, or visit the first floor of Kilcawley.
Q: What kind of people are you and what are you involved in?
Vegoda: I am a junior and will obtain a degree in Political Science. After college, I will be attending law school and will focus my efforts on working in the area of human rights. I have also been employed as a consultant in the Writing Center since spring, 2016.
Edwards: I am a junior political science major and will graduate in the spring of 2018. I plan to attend law school and become a labor or constitutional law attorney before entering politics.
Q: What kind of leaders do you describe yourselves as?
Vegoda: Dylan and I are engaged and intuitive leaders. We both share a belief that a leader needs to immerse herself or himself into a position or situation, be a facilitator, a problem solver, at times a mediator, and an advocate. The responsibilities and duties of the President and Vice-President may be defined by a constitution and by-laws; however, we both share a belief that we have to be fully available to serve the students of YSU in those areas that have been defined by our job and in those areas that may not have been addressed by the language of the job description.
Q: Why do you think you’d be a better president and VP of SGA?
Vegoda and Edwards: The role of the Student Government Association is to represent student’s needs to the administration, provide services, and improve access to resources. Our campus and non-campus experiences are more meaningful and intensive than our opponents’ in the matters most important to YSU students. More importantly, we offer change in the areas it is needed most.
Q: What kinds of things would you like to see change around the university?
Vegoda and Edwards: While we love YSU, there are many areas which could benefit from improvement, specifically the four areas which are outlined in our platform, those being campus facilities, campus efficiency, SGA financial policy, and diversity and inclusion programs.
Q: What do you wish to accomplish in your time as SGA president and VP?
Vegoda and Edwards: As SGA President and Vice President we would like to see YSU become a more active campus, both for residents and commuters, traditional and nontraditional students alike. We see no reason why students should be excluded and prevented from joining groups simply because of how their schedules work out. We strive to make YSU a more inclusive campus, where more student organizations get funding, the funding pathways are easier to navigate, and where students are on-hand to help along the way.
Q: Why should people vote for you?
Vegoda and Edwards: We wish to represent every student–not just the traditional students. We wish to reach out and ensure that all students, including those students who comprise a silenced majority of students, have a voice on campus. The non-traditional students have not had their respective needs met and we wish to bring them into the conversations, from which they have been effectively removed.