Seven-building power outage

On Sept. 14 around 11:18 a.m. the power went out in Beeghly Center, Stambaugh Stadium, Kilcawley Center, Fedor Hall, Cafaro House, Lyden House and Christman Dining Commons.

William Haas, director of engineering, took the call when the power went out. Haas said power was restored for those buildings around 11:59 a.m. to 12:07 p.m. 

Haas said the power outage was because of a trip in the breakers located in the main substation.

“It’s one of those things sometimes there’s a false tripping and that’s exactly what happened yesterday,” Haas said. “There was basically no fault detected once the breakers were reset and some initial testing to make sure everything was okay.”

False trips are not typical occurrences, but Haas said everything should run smoothly going forward.

“It’s not very often [that this situation happens]. It depends on the system and the different faults that occur, but [Sept. 14] was a false trip, which doesn’t happen too often,” Haas said.

For any facilities concerns, call 330-941-3235.