The Forensic Science Club, which has been active at Youngstown State University for five years, wants to enrich students’ knowledge of forensic science and help students network with other like-minded individuals.
Anna Mancini, the club’s president, said the group’s members share a passion for forensic science.
“You get to talk with older students about class choices and build friendships to last a lifetime,” she said.
From Feb. 14 to 23, club members attended the American Academy of Forensic Sciences’ conference in Washington, D.C.
“Much of the conference was spent talking about the continuing education of high school and university students on ethics, proper protocols in the lab and oversight sessions,” said Susan Clutter, FSC adviser.
Besides discussing issues in forensics, the club also participates in several charitable and fundraising events like the YSU Relay for Life and food drives, said Travis Battiest, a graduate assistant.
“FSC also provides support during Crash Day and other demonstration days for the criminal justice and forensic sciences department,” Battiest said.
The club also organizes school visits, during which area high school students “investigate” what the forensic science program at YSU has to offer.
“The students, both for Crash Day and school visits, got to take part in our crime scene condo, where they got to see a mock crime scene,” Mancini said. “They also took part in fingerprinting and had the opportunity to use the microscope to view trace evidence.”
The club is open to all majors, Mancini said.
“When I was a freshman, I was hesitant to join, thinking I did not have enough time, or the meetings were always when I had class, but everyone has been wonderful and very accommodating,” she said.
On April 12, FSC members will be hosting a fundraiser during the Youngstown Phantoms game; proceeds will go toward forensic pathologist Cyril Wecht’s presentation at YSU on April 30.
For more information, email [email protected].