New year, new me

By Alison Butz

Each new year, people often set a variety of resolutions. For some, they only keep up with their goals for a month or so, but for others, it can actually bring around change.

The most popular New Year’s resolutions include working out regularly, eating healthier and reading more.

This ultimately brings lots of business to gyms and book stores, and people spend less money on junk food, even if it’s only for a few months.

From someone who works in retail as a curbside pickup person, having to constantly lift heavy cases of soda up and down all day gets tiring. I’ve noticed that some store regulars have been cutting back on sugar intake since the beginning of 2024.

I remember a couple years ago my family decided to eat healthier for our resolution, and my sister made a comment about how I would be the first to fail. Now, I am a very petty person —

 so I took that personally. 

I ended up lasting the longest with the healthy eating lifestyle for more than half the year. I ended up giving up on it because I love pasta way too much to eat spaghetti squash for the rest of the year.

That year, I tried many new foods and gave others another chance, including broccoli. To this day, I still can’t stand the taste of broccoli.

With the job I picked up this summer, I find myself being able to enjoy certain foods without worrying too much about calorie intake anymore. 

At work, I walk over 20,000 steps a day, and I can choose whether or not to take a lunch break. I find myself getting cardio in everyday, with two days of break per week. 

This year, I set a realistic resolution for myself. In previous years it has been learning something new. I am hoping to learn how to crochet with help from one of my closest friends. 

I have always wanted to learn how to crochet, and when I met my friend and found out that she has an amazing talent with crocheting, I hoped to learn how to make cute little animals by the end of 2024.

However, I also find myself trying to be a better person each year as well. Whether this is paying it forward however many times a month, or overall being a nicer person, I hope to be the person that I would love to have in my life.