What if one day when you left your house, you get stopped by a police officer while you were on your way to the mall, where you get stopped and have your bag checked by a store associate? What happens when you feel like you have a target on your back everywhere you go? What would that feel like, could you imagine? What happens when you don’t get the job you want or things don’t go the way you expect? For some Americans this is reality.
Racial profiling is a problem for many minorities in America. One of the most prominent victims being African American men and women. Movements like Black Lives Matter or Driving While Black are real. According to The New York Times, in Greensboro, North Carolina blacks are charged five times more often than whites on a charge of possession with less than half an ounce of marijuana. These problems occur all across America.
Is it fair to question the feelings of bias and inequality? Does everyone believe that it is real, or is it generally accepted and nothing is being done about it? Both thoughts are equally disturbing to entertain. For years African Americans have spoken out for the injustice that has been done time and time again, but has there been any real change?
There is a reason why most of this is set in question form. Although these problems have been discussed for years, the conversation feels relatively new. Most people cannot identify with this, because they are not directly affected by these matters. You can never really know how something feels unless it happens to you. This matter affects everyone in society, we can choose to ignore or attempt to change and discuss the problems we face.
In my opinion, this is the number one problem facing America. I will admit that I do not have the answers to this problem. I do believe that it starts with each of us reaching out to a member of another race and showing humanity. As a nurse it is second nature to take care of those in need. For most people it is easy to take care of those they identify with. It is time to unite all people and end racism in America.
Joshua Danko