I’m just a girl!

By Aicha Sawaneh / The Jambar

My gender communication class this semester has to be one of the silliest — and I mean that in the best way — classes I’ve ever taken. From day one it has been a whirlwind of lively discussions and unexpected bursts of laughter. 

Between having my boss as the instructor and my friend as a fellow student, walking through the door you never know what to expect, which is what makes it fun.

Due to the diverse opinions in the class, one might think we would be prone to tense debates. Instead, we are all there to have fun, share our views and see where the conversation takes us — without anyone worrying about stepping on toes.

The conversations we have are very serious, but nothing that would lead to arguments or eye rolls. It is more like a collaborative brainstorm where everyone talks about their personal feelings. Sometimes those feelings are ridiculous, but that is what makes this class magical.

After every chapter we have discussions based on what we have covered. One of the topics was about early feminism — where we were asked to talk about what we thought about the different theories of feminism, with here the topic sparking new perspectives.

There is something refreshing about being in a room where everyone has something to contribute and they’re confident enough to do so. It never feels like anyone is being cautioned or put down for their thoughts and that’s rare to see.

This class is completely chaotic — the kind that makes being there worth it. Every topic we discuss in the class takes on a life of its own, with everyone bringing ideas from every angle. It is almost impossible to stay on a straight line of thought, but somehow, this works perfectly for this class.

Whenever we start a topic, within minutes, we’ve spiraled into a hilarious tangent that nobody saw coming. And yet, we always manage to circle back to the original topic and end up with something meaningful.

We have a diverse group of people that make the conversations very interesting. There is a certain freedom in knowing that no matter what you say, it’ll be met with an open mind or, at the very least, a good-natured laugh. People will jump in to add their two cents, and the conversation keeps flowing.

Somehow, we manage to take serious topics — you would expect to be dry or heavy — and make them lighthearted. It’s the kind of class where I find myself looking forward to seeing what direction the conversation will go next. Every day feels different and there’s never a dull moment.

I have never been in a classroom where people can express themselves so freely and still keep it fun. If you’re ever looking for a class that’s both chaotic and insightful, this one’s it. Trust me, you’ll never look at communication the same way again.

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