‘Guins go Beyond the Table

Students cooking meals in Cushwa Hall’s food preparation lab. Photos courtesy of Julieann Cheng

By Gunnhildur Baldursdottir / The Jambar

The Cooking Club and Students in Dietetics are collaborating to celebrate National Nutrition Month at Youngstown State University.

This year’s theme for National Nutrition Month is called Beyond the Table, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Julieann Cheng, a part-time instructor in dietetics and the Cooking Club’s advisor, said the theme highlights food safety and the impact of farms.
“Beyond the Table is looking at the aspects of a farm-to-table as well as being cognizant of food safety and preparation,” Cheng said. “Looking at what resources go into producing our food as well — watch what happens at a farm. How are we getting the food that we are consuming?”
Throughout March, the organizations are hosting workshops in Cushaw Hall’s food preparation lab, room 3358.

Students and staff could bring their water bottles for a “Hype Up Your Hydration” event from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 12. A variety of fruits, vegetables and herbs were available for attendees to flavor their water without additional sugar.

Cheng said the event was an opportunity for students to try something they may have never tried before.

“If you’ve ever had cucumber water or even water with lemon lime and oranges, it adds a different flavor to the water. That certainly can help people look in a positive manner at water because everybody doesn’t like water all the time,” Cheng said.

The organizations will host Learn to be a Trail Mixologist from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 21. Students and faculty can design and create their own trail mix from a variety of bases, such as popcorn, pretzels and cereal.

“We have the bases. We’ll also offer a variety of dried fruits, nuts and some sweets to add to the mix. If you want more of a salty or salty and sweet, you will be able to design exactly what you want according to your preferences,” Cheng said.

According to Cheng, Students in Dietetics will also give advice for staying hydrated and eating healthy in everyday life.

Kaitlyn Eger, a freshman in exercise science major, is the vice president of the Cooking Club. Eger said she wants to give back to the community and hopes the events bring in more members.

“The best thing about the cooking club is being able to have fun as well as making healthy meals and getting a break from the dining hall food,” Eger said.

Eger and the Cooking Club’s president Addison Kern, a freshman in exercise science, established the club in fall 2023. It has 18 members and meets two times a month to follow recipes from various cultures.

“The main goal [of the Cooking Club] is to provide an experience for all students to learn how to cook or enhance the cooking skills that they have, as well as practicing safe food handling procedures within the kitchen,” Cheng said.

To sign up for the Cooking Club, students can contact Kern at [email protected] or message the club on Instagram, @ysu_cooking_club.

Those interested in joining Students in Dietetics can contact the club’s president, Ashton Abramson, at [email protected].