Former Olympian says ‘I love America’ at YSU

Anthony Watson, pictured above with an attendee. Photo by Billy-Jack Colón / The Jambar

By Billy-Jack Colón / The Jambar

A former Olympian spoke at Youngstown State University on March 21 to talk about why he loves America and what makes the U.S. exceptional.

Anthony Watson competed in skeleton racing for both the U.S. and Jamaica in the Olympics. Watson was invited to speak in the Schwebel Reception Center in Kilcawley Center by YSU’s chapter of Turning Point USA.

In the event titled “Why I Love America!” with Anthony Watson, he talked about his experience with “cancel culture” and the Olympics.

“Cancel culture to me is just setback situations,” Watson said. “People who have lost things or have had setbacks, they’ve found a way to bounce back.”

Watson said he believes he has been “canceled,” which motivated him to work with Turning Point USA, an organization that promotes governmental rights.

“I thought, as an athlete, I had lost everything because of my moral stance on certain things. When I got locked out, my sponsors dropped me, and then they sued me on top of that so they could get all the money I spent back,” Watson said.

Watson also spoke on the matter of political division, which he said he believes the government is responsible for.

“[The government] demoralize[s] the country first. Then, they destabilize it second. They create a crisis cause for blame and then they normalize everything,” Watson said.

On the topic of patriotism, Watson explained why the event was titled “Why I Love America!”

“I love my country, I love the humans in my country. . . At the end of the day we are one people because we all have the same things built in us,” Watson said. “When you’re here, the best place to understand and to know what the world really is, is to wholly experience it.”

Watson discussed projects he’s working on with TPUSA, including a television series called “Campus Crashers,” where he visits college campuses to host games for students with differing beliefs to compete in. Watson said he hosts the series with the hope of bringing laughter amidst political unrest.
“The times we are in right now, people are forgetting that beautiful thing we call ‘laughter,” Watson said.

Additionally, Watson said he is working on a documentary with TPUSA, which he has worked on around the country.

“Right now we are filming a documentary called ‘Race War.’ We’re going to all the historical cities that were on fire and talking to the community, finding out from people whether or not they think the government is either helping the races get united or using more division to keep everybody separated,” Watson said.

The event provided food and refreshments and hosted a giveaway for an Xbox Series X shaped minifridge. Watson stayed after the event to talk to audience members and organizers.