Forbes magazine ranked Youngstown State University 638th on their list of top colleges, placing YSU in the top one-third of the nation’s four year institutions.
“I am actually very excited about the designation that we are receiving this year,” YSU President Randy Dunn said. “I want our students to be proud of it. They go to a school that’s recognized by one of the best brand names in the country.”
Ron Cole, director of university communications, explained that Forbes considered several factors including student satisfaction, postgraduate success, student debt and graduation rates in the creation of their list. Cole commended YSU’s ability to yield successful graduates.
“[Forbes’] rankings aren’t necessarily based on the input, meaning the students who are coming in, but the quality of the students coming out — what they call a return on investment,” Cole said. “When you look at the kind of students we are producing — our alumni who are successful in all disciplines across the board, across the country, across the world for that matter — I think it’s obvious we are producing quality graduates … at an affordable price.”
Students agreed with Dunn and Cole and expressed pride in their school’s ranking.
While students said services like the Center for Student Progress, the Peer Mentor program, and the Recreation center have enhanced their experiences at YSU, it is the student body’s work ethic that many students view as YSU’s greatest asset.
“We come from a hardworking community, and, in Youngstown, everyone has to work for what they have. Nothing is handed to anyone for free. No one is driving around in Corvettes in this area,” Rachel Vallas, a first year education major said. “[YSU students] are young adults who are willing to work for a degree.”
John Vordell, a second year business administration major, also complimented students for their hard work.
“Since it is a commuter campus and most people that go to school here work, I’d say the people that really want to go to school are here. It is hard to go to school and work at the same time. It’s a lot of stress. It takes a lot of will and ambition,” he said.
Vordell also commented on the many opportunities YSU has given him.
“Speaking for Williamson and the business resources there, there are so many [opportunities]. Clubs, professors — there’s all kinds of organizations and labs that will help people develop businesses — classes that help you develop ideas to start
businesses” Vordell said. “It’s pretty intelligent, the way it is all set up.”