By Amanda Lehnerd
Youngstown State University is holding their 24th annual Flute Festival. The event will be held in Bliss Hall on the YSU campus, with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. Registration fees are as follows: adults are $20, students/seniors are $10, parents of attending students, YSU students, faculty and staff are free. Exhibitors from around the country will have booths offering flutes, music and flute-related items for sale throughout the day. People looking to attend the festival can register online at https://ysudanaflutesociety.wixsite.com/ysuflutefestival/register.
Anna Reitsma breaks down the top five highlights of the festival, and what people should expect when attending the festival:
1: The flute festival is hosted annually by the YSU Flute Society under the direction of Kathryn Thomas Umble. It is an all day event consisting of a recital by special guest artist Marianne Gedigian, a two-hour master class, a lecture and performances by area chamber ensembles. There will also be a show tunes reading session, a workshop with Umble, a beginners flute ensemble reading session, an intermediate/advanced flute ensemble reading session and a junior high master class with Anna Reitsma.
2: The special guest was chosen based on her reputation as a world-class flute performer and teacher. The performance of special guest artist Gedigian, will feature works by J.S. Bach, Cécil Chaminade, Ian Clarke and Otar Taktakishvili. The final flute ensemble concert will feature music by Catherine McMichael and Georges Bizet as well as a featured solo with Umble playing the Vivaldi Concerto in D major accompanied by the YSU Flute Ensemble.
3: The master class allows students at YSU the opportunity to perform for the guest artist and receive valuable feedback to help them improve as a performer and musician. The students performing in this year’s master class are Madeline Grimes, Jewellea Wyne, Hailey Baker and Anna Reitsma. There will also be a high-school student from Butler High School performing in the master class.
4: The exhibitors include flute specialists Royalton Music, Motter’s Music, Haynes Flutes and FluteFX. The Guest Artist Recital will feature Marianne Gedigian accompanied by Dianne Frazer. The final flute ensemble concert will feature Central Green Flute Ensemble under the direction of Mandi Lawrence. The members are Jordan Bell, Sarah Bish, Kristen Black, Holly Grainger and Daelen Jenks. It will also feature the YSU Flute Ensemble under the direction of Umble. The members are Sidney Charles, Amber DeCaprio, Jackie Jupina, Emily Karr, Lindsey Kiselica, Anna Reitsma, Nadya Stratton and Jewellea Wyne.
5: There are three events designed to give everyone who attends a chance to play their flute. The first is a show tunes reading session. Everyone will have the chance to sight read popular songs including tunes from “Harry Potter” and “The Lion King.” The second is a beginners flute ensemble reading session. This is designed to give people who are just learning a chance play in an ensemble. The final is an intermediate/advance flute ensemble reading session. This is designed to give people to sight-read flute ensemble music.