Saturday is National Clean Out Your Fridge Day. In anticipation of the holiday, we sent two intrepid reporters into Cafaro House to find out what the contents of the residents’ refrigerators say about them as people.
“[Our fridge says] I drink too much coffee, and we don’t clean it out because that candy apple is like a month old,” Jarrod Ellenberger said.
Our reporters came back shell-shocked, having been exposed to horrors that ranged from fridges encrusted in dried months-old Fruity Pebbles to freezers full of melted popsicles to the remains of the copious amounts of alcohol needed to forget the pains of a test gone wrong.
They asked students how they planned to celebrate National Clean Out Your Fridge Day; some want to enhance the aesthetic appeal of their fridge.
“Considering that my fridge isn’t really that dirty, I might move that one lone iced tea bottle somewhere else so that it’s not ruining the feng shui of my fridge,” Robert Voland said.
Others set the cleanliness bar considerably lower.
“I’ll try to clean out my fruity pebbles and put some new things in it,” Mackenzi Brozovich said.
Pictured are some of the most memorable college fridges our reporters found: