By Daniel Shapiro
Jambar Contributor
All students at Youngstown State University are invited to Midnight Breakfast from 10 p.m. to midnight April 29 in KC Food Court of Kilcawley Center.
Hosted by the Division of Student Affairs, the event takes place at the end of each semester during finals week.
Joy Polkabla Byers, associate vice president for Student Activities, said Midnight Breakfast is a great way to end the year and celebrate the success of the semester.
“We love to host this event for students. It’s just to celebrate the end of their hard work, semester — last chance to maybe say goodbye to some students before everybody leaves for the end of the year,” Byers said. “This year, we’re going to have a DJ. So, there’s always dancing.”
Carrie Anderson, associate director of Student Activities, said the theme for this year’s Midnight Breakfast is Cinco De Mayo. Along with serving traditional breakfast items, such as ham, eggs, bacon, pastries, oatmeal and bagels, the event will have Mexican food.
“Beyond the breakfast buffet, we will also have a pancake taco station,” Anderson said.
The breakfast is also an opportunity for students to take a break from studying during finals week.
“We host the event each semester to offer a stress reducer during finals week. We know students are up late studying and getting ready for their finals and, at times, probably not taking a break to get something to eat,” Anderson said. “It’s a chance for our staff to serve our students and show them support during this busy week.”

Byers said Student Activities encourages students to take care of themselves while preparing for success in the classroom.
“We encourage them that we know the importance of taking breaks when you’re studying, whether it’s going for a walk, or in this case, going to get some extra food and be with some friends. [That] actually can help you be more productive when you’re studying,” Byers said.
According to Byers, Midnight Breakfast started as an event for students living on campus, but now all are welcome.
“We originally started in housing and [resident] life and over in the dining hall, and slowly as we built up more off campus housing, we brought it to the center. So now, it’s open to all students, not just residents who live on campus,” Byers said.
Anderson said students should enter Kilcawley Center at the Chick-fil-A entrance with their YSU IDs. There is no cost to attend.