By Emily Wilaj / Jambar Contributor
Youngstown State University’s Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences and Education continues to recognize student success through the Dean’s Dozen Awards.
These annual awards, which originated in 2017, are run entirely by student members of BCLASSE’s Dean’s Dozen. This organization is a group of 12 students that advocate for the student body.
Charles Howell, dean of BCLASSE, said the awards shine a light on all the hard work that happens within the college among both students and faculty.
“This annual student-sponsored award is run entirely by the student members of the advisory group, and thus reflects student perspectives on excellence in our college,” Howell said.
Undergraduate students, graduate students, staff and faculty can nominate one another for these awards. Anyone within BCLASSE is eligible to both propose a nomination as well as receive an award.
Some categories students and staff could be nominated for include outstanding student worker, outstanding part-time faculty, outstanding writing center tutor and outstanding staff member.
Once nominees are selected, those within BCLASSE can vote to determine the recipient. Julia Szenborn, head of the Dean’s Dozen survey committee and Dalton Orange, chair of Dean’s Dozen, count the votes to decide the winner.
“The winner for each award is picked by which nominee has the most votes,” Szenborn said.
Brittany Thomas, academic advisor for education in BCLASSE, said these incentives are a way to showcase those who strive academically, while maintaining good character.
“It gets more people recognized for the things that they do for the college, things that they do for other people and just passing along the idea that kindness and working hard still pays,” Thomas said.
Thomas said faculty wants to make fellow staff and students aware that their efforts are not unnoticed.
“It’s important to keep the comradery in the college and just rewarding people for things that they do that they thought nobody was watching,” Thomas said.
Szenborn said it is a great way to highlight and promote the success within BCLASSE.
“It not only recognizes student workers and leaders, but also professors, tutors and other staff members as well. It’s a good way to include everyone in the college,” Szenborn said.
Award winners will be announced April 24 at the ceremony.