Out of this world welcoming

Students explore campus with Welcome Week activities. Photo by Elizabeth A. Coss / The Jambar

By Samantha Smith and China Goodson

Youngstown State University welcomes students back for its fall semester by hosting a series of events the first week of classes Welcome Week. 

Dina Fabry, the fitness and wellness coordinator for Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center, explained how the Welcome Week activities can help students get engaged and learn more about the university.

“[It’s] a welcome to new students, to students who have been on campus prior,” she said. “We want to have fun, engaging activities for everyone that’s on campus, specifically our students. We realized that it can be very stressful to maneuver and navigate through campus, get comfortable with what buildings you have classes, all that good stuff.” 

Events earlier this week included the Student Organization Fair, Puppy Palooza, Aye Aye Captain!, Ice Cream Social, Welcome Back BBQ, Space Trivia & Intergalactic Karaoke Night and more.

The Student Organization Fair, hosted in the Chestnut Room of Kilcawley Center and held on Tuesday Aug. 30, allowed students to meet different organizations to learn about each one and see how they can be involved on campus.

During the fair, Jacob Stack, a senior exercise science major who is a part of the men’s baseball club, talked about what the student organization can offer students.

“I’m looking forward to meet some of the new students that are here,” he said. “Hopefully get some of them interested in our [baseball] club. I’m always willing to help young students that are here and just get ready for school.”

Puppy Palooza was also held Tuesday in Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center and allowed students to decompress and spend time with puppies of different breeds from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

The Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center hosted Puppy Palooza to help students relax from the first week. // Photo by Samantha Smith/The Jambar

Another event hosted Tuesday was Aye Aye Captain!. Students were able to learn about the new Intramural Sports fee, registration, and payment.

Fabry detailed what she hopes students gain from Welcome Week and the importance of having these types of events.

“I think [Welcome Week] is important because it kind of unites all students and everyone on campus.” she said. “It’s a great way for all of us to come together, socialize, show our ‘Y’ pride. It’s a great way to raise awareness of all the fun things that you can do on campus.”

Some of Thursday’s events are YSU Day, Student Veteran Picnic, Get The Scoop On Success, Who’s In Your Orbit Student Mixer and more. 

YSU Day celebrates when YSU joined the Ohio state school system. Students who attend will learn about YSU’s history and get the chance to paint the rock. A performance by the YSU Marching Pride will take place during the event.

The Student Veteran Picnic will be held again Thursday and will allow student veterans at the university to connect with the Veterans Center staff and learn about veteran and military education benefits. 

The Resch Academic Success Center is hosting an ice cream social which will provide free ice cream as well as information about what services the campus offers, such as tutoring services for students.

The Who’s In Your Orbit student mixer, hosted by Student Activities and the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, will be in The Cove, allowing students the opportunity to meet new people and student organizations with snacks and activities provided.

Friday’s events include Galactic Crafts in The Cove, Build-A-Penguin — location to be decided — Game Night in the St. John Henry Newman Center and DEI Presents: The Yard Show in the Veterans Plaza featuring various Greek life organizations on campus. 

Students can visit YSU’s webpage about Welcome Week for a detailed list of past, current and future events.