By Samantha Allan
Easter is upon us and it is finally starting to feel like spring. Candy, eggs and bunny-themed decorations have invaded the stores. Posters and advertisements for Easter eggs hunts have also flooded every possible outlet.
As a child, I remember Easter as this super exciting holiday. After Christmas, there is quite a large gap. Every year, I waited semi-patiently for the time to gather bunnies, candy and a new dress for church. Easter was the official sign that sunshine and flowers had officially arrived. The snow was finally leaving and the days of playing outside were coming. From my perspective, it was a holiday I really looked forward to.
However, I mostly looked forward to the various Easter egg hunts and baskets. Easter egg hunts are crazy events in which kids knock each other down and push for plastic eggs. At the start of the whistle, instant chaos and running ensues. Kids are laughing, screaming and smiling as they clamor for prizes. The craziness of the event was what made it fun. Feeling a bit nostalgic? Well, there is a way to bring these feelings back.
There is a new tradition popping up across social media and news articles. Adult Easter parties and Easter egg hunts are a way to live the nostalgia as an adult. If you’re looking to bring back some of the excitement of a child’s Easter, this is the best way to do it.
A few different pages and articles suggested making a whole day of it. This new adult Easter is presented similarly to the “Friendsgivings” of November. A dinner can be planned a few days before or after Easter as a new tradition that won’t interrupt any times with family. Friends can get together for a nice night of eating and drinking. Unlike the November dinners, spring weather, flowers and eggs can be incorporated for extra fun.
In “How to Host an Easter Egg Hunt for Adults,” Debbie Wolfe suggests “a few games you played as a kid. This is a perfect opportunity for your guests to bring out their inner child without worrying about looking silly. Pin the tail on the bunny, egg toss, freeze tag and Frisbee are some games to get the blood flowing for the big hunt.”
After you’ve had dinner and a few games, an adult Easter egg hunt is the final piece. Similar to the children’s hunt, colorful eggs are filled with prizes and hidden around the yard. While candy can go in them, there is also an adult spin for the eggs. Tiny makeup, lotion, spray, gift cards or even liquor can be hidden in the eggs. The entertainment and chaos of the hunt is still present, but the prizes are chosen for adults to get excited about.
If you’re looking for a way to get excited about Easter again, I think this is a great way to do it. An adult Easter party with friends offers little stress, but a lot of opportunity for fun. It opens up the chance for a new spin on the holiday many of us loved as kids. Any chance for great food, drinks and friends sounds like the making of a great new tradition.