On Wednesday, Youngstown State University’s celebration of Earth Day was moved inside of Kilcawley Center due to rainstorms.
Participants didn’t let the unfavorable weather discourage them, as community and student organizations crowded the first floor ofKilcawley to spread the word about environmental sustainability.
The Youngstown State Environmental and Animal Rights Coalition had a table set up to answer questions from students. Matt Melito, a member of YSEARC, said group members were able to inform a lot of people about veganism.
“I myself am vegan, and it struck me as one of the most important issues,” he said. “Informing people about the vegan diet and how animals are treated is important to me.”
Melito said some students were misinformed about the vegan diet (including what they can and cannot eat), but changed their minds about veganism after being properly educated.
“Knowing and telling them about the diet has helped,” he said. “We’re not necessarily telling others to adopt the diet, but to see why it’s important to others.”
Melito has been a member of the group for a month, and said he’s excited to continue his involvement with YSEARC.
“It’s important to know what’s going on with the environment,” he said.
Carolyn Carney, another YSEARC member, said it’s important to inform others about the importance of environmental preservation.
“A lot of people have been stopping by for information,” she said.