To Write Love on Her Arms


To Write Love on Her Arms — a nonprofit organization whose objective is to present hope for those struggling with addiction, depression, self-injury and suicide — offers these words on its website: “You need to know your story is important, and you’re part of a bigger story. You need to know your life matters.”

On April 10, the National Society of Collegiate Scholars participated in TWLOHA’s letters of encouragement campaign.

TWLOHA is headquartered in Melbourne, Fla., and from there, the letters of encouragement written by NSCS members will be sent out across the country.

The objective is to raise public awareness of mental health issues and to let those who are suffering know that TWLOHA provides real, accessible help to those in need.

Rachelle Houy, president of the NSCS, came up with the idea to participate by looking at TWLOHA’s blog. Houy said she felt honored to engage in this activity, adding that it was a powerful experience to watch people write letters of hope and encouragement.

“This is a topic that is very dear to my heart, and it was so wonderful to see other people getting so involved. I have been so blessed, and I just want other people to feel the light of the love,” Houy said.

Houy said this generation is full of people who live with depression and low self-esteem, just looking for others to express that they care about them.  

“People deserve to know that they are loved, and it is up to us to pick up the torch and share the light of hope for a brighter future. Life gets better. Sometimes, people just need to hear that,” she said.

Some letters were written as postcards, while others included pictures. Many included messages like, “There is hope,” “You are loved,” “Your life matters,” and “You are beautiful.”

 Ashleigh Barker, a member of the NSCS, said she recommends that others participate in this event because raising awareness of suicide is important.

She added that it is amazing how a few encouraging words can have such a powerful impact on someone.

“There›s always someone who cares for you and wants you to be a part of their life,” she said.

Kussai Naser, a member of the NSCS, said his favorite part of the event was working with fellow members and making creative letters for the victims. Naser said he felt proud knowing that he participated in an event that is of importance to someone else.

“I encourage others to support this initiative and help those in need of support,” he said.