A representative of Students for Concealed Carry told a Jambar reporter that the group plans to file a lawsuit against Ohio State University so concealed carry permit holders can bring their guns on the university’s grounds.
The legal ramifications and pending precedent could lead to Youngstown State University being forced to accept a similar fate.
Reaching a consensus on gun control legislation is near impossible. Even in our own office, no one agrees on everything. And even the perspectives we share lean away from one another.
Most of the staff polled voted against weapons on campus, but presenting a united front would be just that, a front.
Instead, keep YSUPD Police Chief John Beshara’s opinion for your records. “Allowing students and faculty to carry weapons on campus would present a whole new set of problems for our officers,” he said.
He said he would be worried about all the extra work the situation would cause for his department. People might see the gun and flood his office with calls, or worse, cause a panic. They’d have to check permits for every gun spotted.
This strain on YSUPD’s resources would tie up officers, making it harder to prevent the crimes that actually do occur often on campus.
YSU’s campus is already one of the safest places in the city. Through a shared jurisdiction, YSUPD and YPD have created a comfortable learning environment with very low crime rates.
From 2007 to 2011, there’s been only one weapons possession charge on campus.
The most common crime threat to a YSU student is a stolen wallet and underage drinking.
The prevention methods are already in place and the enforcers are already effective.
Like any other classroom distraction, a concealed weapon would panic a fellow student or faculty member.
YSU is an institution of higher learning, a place of camaraderie and community involvement. A gun doesn’t factor into that equation.