Twitter can change the world

Slow down, Democrats.

The world’s most pressing problems haven’t dissolved just because President Barack Obama is back in office.

He still must fight an uphill battle against a notoriously stubborn Republican-controlled House if he wants to make any headway in gun control, climate change and the national debt.

If progress is any indicator, and there hasn’t been any, they aren’t going to get much done.

Instead of sitting back and waiting until the midterm election to participate, speak up now.

It’s easier than ever to get engaged.

The Pew Research Center conducted a study on social network use in various countries across the globe. Half of the U.S. uses some social medium. In Egypt, 30 percent use social networking sites, and 34 percent of Tunisians use them.

The uprisings that led to both countries overthrowing their dictators in the Arab spring got their start online.

In the U.S., we use social media to complain about traffic, let our online friends know what a great time we’re having at the bar with our “real friends” and watch cat videos.

Sharing a politically partisan meme or cartoon isn’t progress and won’t lead to real change.

We’re all guilty of it.

The problem in today’s fidgital society isn’t that we can’t take its collective eyes or thumbs off the keys for an extended period of time. It’s that when we’re using our devices, we’re not maximizing our time.

Instead of discussing reasonable solutions to our gun violence problem, we’re consuming easily digestible, candy-coated garbage with little substance.

The problem is priorities. Too many people want to be entertained.

Justin Bieber has more than 33 million Twitter followers, while Paul Krugman, one of the leading economic thinkers and New York Times columnists, has only 940,000.

Well, Bieber does have better hair.

Imagine the world we would live in if 33 million people used the benefits of technology in support of their causes.