Finals week is creeping up on us. Youngstown State University students are preparing to take their exams and finishing final projects. Here are the Jambar’s tips to (maybe) surviving finals week.
- Double- and triple-check the time of your final. For some reason, YSU uses military time. We still don’t know why they do this.
- Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Take a study break with a cup of coffee, take a bubble bath and get back to studying with a clear mind.
- Keep yourself motivated by listening to music. Studying for finals can be stressful, and music is calming.
- Dress for success. When you dress nice, you feel good. You don’t have to show up in a suit and tie, but don’t wear last night’s pajamas.
- Attend review sessions. This is actually important! Sometimes professors give hints to what’s on your final exam.
- Meet with a study group. Quiz each other, review the study guide and bounce ideas off your classmates. After all, you’re in this together!
- Don’t procrastinate. We all do it, but we shouldn’t. Pushing it back won’t help you, it’ll just hurt you.
- Create a study guide. Highlight important information to help you better understand the material.
- Know your limits. It’s OK to call it a night and take a break.
- Overall, don’t die. Sometimes people take themselves and finals too seriously.
Winter break and graduation are on the horizon, so hang in there for one more week.