By Jessica Stamp
Student Government Association will host a presidential debate from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Thursday, March 24 at the Schwebel Lounge in Kilcawley Center.
The candidates for president and executive vice president include: Gianna Battaglia and Faith Marscio; Niko Mastorides and Maguire Franko; Jeremy Demarco and Alexa Kurimski.
SGA sent an email detailing the debate March 22.
“Join us to learn more about their platforms and ask questions about their plans to lead the student body,” the email stated.
All students are welcome to watch the debate. It will also be live streamed on SGA’s Instagram @ysu_sga and on YouTube.
Starting at 8 a.m. Tuesday, April 5, SGA election polls will open for eligible voters and close Wednesday, April 6. Voters will be notified through email when polls open with instructions for online voting.
A full list of students running for SGA office in 2022-23 follows:
Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences and Education:
Representative Candidates:
Dominic Adams
Alexis Blessing
Bronson DeAngelo
Allyson Greco
Samuel Miller
Alexander Papa
Jordan Pintar
Noah Subramanian
Brock Tegtmeier
Guy Tepsick
Emily Vero
Julia Williams
Academic Senate Candidate:
Jonathan Beckner
Bitonte College of Health & Human Services:
Representative Candidates:
Abigail Andre
Alyssa Fillion
Jesiah Harris
Ashley James
Andrew Miller
Abigail Milton
Jessica St. Laurent
Cassidy Unger
Jalaeia Winston
Cliffe College of Creative Arts:
Representative Candidates:
Shirley Hill
Kyle Zimmerman
Academic Senate Candidate:
Kyle Zimmerman
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math:
Representative Candidates:
Austin Browne
Elsa Khan
Ruby Kodiah
Timothy McClelland
Dakota Obermiyer
Nicholas Peskor
Sydney Rippee
Academic Senate Candidate:
Austin Browne
Williamson College of Business Administration
Representative Candidates:
Olivia Foster
Alysa Oswald
Academic Senate Candidate:
Leon Daugherty