The Jambar encourages letters to the editor. Submissions are welcome at Letters should concern issues related to Youngstown State University, but may encompass outside topics. Letters must be typed and not exceed 400 words. Submissions must include the writer’s name and telephone number for verification, along with the writer’s city of residence. The Jambar does not withhold the names of guest commentators for publication. Letters are subject to editing for spelling, grammar and clarity and will not be rejected based on expressed views. The editorial board reserves the right to reject letters if they are not relevant to our readers, seek free publicity, fail to defend opinions with facts from reliable sources or have been adequately covered in The Jambar. The editorial board may request rewrites from a guest writer based on any of these requirements. The Jambar will not print letters that are libelous, threatening, obscene or indecent. The views and opinions expressed in letters and guest commentaries do not reflect those of The Jambar.