By Donny Yankle
- Parking will get better, so don’t stress out
Trying to find a spot for your car can be hectic right now, but hang on. Everybody comes to class on the first week, but soon prime spots will open up. Also, look for less populated lots around the perimeter of campus. You’ll have to walk, but you won’t spend as much time driving in circles.
- Get to know your library
There are a bunch of useful resources available through Maag Library. In addition to books, you can access research databases, DVDs and CDs and even podcast recording studios. You can also access some textbooks, although they have to stay in the library.
- Do not lose your student I.D.
Even though you may not want to look at that unattractive picture, your student I.D. can get you into sporting events, plays and other campus events.
- Take advantage of student discounts
In addition to small discounts at local businesses, your email can get you half off of cool stuff like Amazon Prime and a Spotify membership. ‘The Washington Post’ offers a free subscription to students. These are just a few. It never hurts to ask if there are student discounts.
- Get involved on campus
There’s more going on at Youngstown State University than classes, so take advantage. Joining a student organization is a good place to start. It helps you meet people with common interests. There are usually booths in Kilcawley during the first week or two, where you can find more information.
- You’re paying for perks, use them!
You’re paying for things like the Andrews Student Wellness and Recreation Center whether you use it or not, so you may as well give it a shot. Also, you might not need a parking permit, but it’s included in tuition. So go ahead and get it, and maybe it will come in handy at some point.
- Schedule your next semester classes as soon as you can
Classes fill up fast. You may not always get the classes you want at the time you want, especially since freshmen are one of the last groups to schedule. So don’t waste time, schedule as soon as you’re able. Also, meet with your adviser to make sure you’re staying on track to graduate on time.
- Be creative with textbooks
Textbooks can be expensive no matter where you get them. Keep an eye out for rental options. Also, it’s never a bad idea to wait until the first day of class to buy books. In some cases, you can skate by without them. If you can’t, check with other students who have taken the class. They might have their textbook laying around.
- Take advantage of faculty office hours
Faculty can help you inside of class and out. Professors set aside time each week for students where one-on-one conversations can take place. It’ll help you clarify things you don’t understand, and you might even obtain a mentor.
- Read the Jambar
The Jambar is a wonderful publication, and a lot of hard work goes into each issue, so you should read it. But on a serious note, we try to provide you with information about campus happenings, future events and how the administration is spending your tuition money. It also makes a handy umbrella during an unexpected rainstorm.