By Zach Mosca
Jambar Contributor
Sometimes, students have lengthy breaks in between classes, but can’t figure out anything to do.
When it comes to killing time between classes, most students said their go-to methods are doing homework or working out at the Andrews Recreation & Wellness Center.
Amanda Vyce, a freshman physical therapy major, said she tries to make time to work out with her friends during her breaks.
“There’s a lot of friends I’ll meet up with at the gym either before or after class depending on how much of a break I have,” Vyce said.
She added she sometimes has breaks that last up to four hours, so working out at Andrews Recreation Center could make those four hours fly by, and can help keep students in shape.
Doug Campbell, a junior broadcast journalism major, said he enjoys taking time to see what the campus has to offer because he just moved into Youngstown recently and is still relatively new to Youngstown State University.
“I usually just sort of take in the sights … I just like looking around,” Campbell said.
When Campbell is not exploring campus, he said he is usually studying or planning out a schedule to study.
“I do try to study as much as I can, and try to schedule out what I’m going to study and how long I’m going to study,” Campbell said.
Students have also expressed enjoyment in trying various restaurants on campus. Aside from chain restaurants like Chick-fil-A and Wendy’s, there are some other local options.
Campbell said he’s made it a goal to try as many new restaurants as possible while on campus to get a taste of some local food.
“I’m sort of going around the campus trying all the different foods they have, like these different restaurants … I just like trying the different foods that they have around here,” Campbell said.
Joey Vitello, a senior business major, said his restaurant of choice on campus is Republic Pizzeria e Pub. His favorite item on the menu is the sausage and pepperoni pizza, but he also recommends the meatball pizza.
“It has meatballs, cherry peppers, sauce, mozzarella cheese and ricotta cheese. It’s basically like having a meatball sandwich, but it’s pizza,” Vitello said.
Vitello is also a part of the Catholic Student Association that meets in the Newman Center, which he occasionally visits during his breaks.
“We have mass on Sunday at seven o’clock. We do what we call the ‘Table of Plenty’ on Wednesday nights. You can come and have a free meal,” Vitello said.
Students looking to make some money between classes can choose from a variety of different on-campus jobs. Mac Pomeroy, a freshman English major, said she spends most of her breaks in DeBartolo Hall working her job.
“I work at DeBartolo in the language lab. I’m a proofreader,” Pomeroy said.
There’s something for everyone to do in between classes at YSU. Whether it’s working out, trying new foods, working a job, studying or just sightseeing and finding new things on campus, the possibilities are endless when it comes to killing some time.