Frigid stadium series

Madison Fessler / The Jambar

I made the trip to Columbus on March 1 for the 2025 NHL Stadium Series. An outdoor hockey game ensued between the Columbus Blue Jackets and Detroit Red Wings at Ohio Stadium. 

My friends and I planned for a month after getting tickets what we would do, how early we’d get there and what the most important things to see were.

I’ll admit, I didn’t plan well. I woke up later than I wanted and threw together the first outfit I saw — my only priority was good tennis shoes for all the walking. I should’ve checked the weather.

The drive wasn’t bad. We stopped for gas and breakfast about an hour in. We were all excited for the day. The mixture of an event we didn’t think we’d get to attend and approximately two RedBulls each were fueling us.

Parking was easier than expected — the online quotes of $100 to park within five miles of The Ohio State University were daunting. Thankfully it was way cheaper than that.

We got to walk around the OSU campus before going to St. John’s Arena to see the band, O.A.R, for the tailgate show. Finally, we were warm again in the arena, but the seats were so uncomfortable.

O.A.R. was incredible. Admittedly, I didn’t know any of their songs, but seeing a Grammy-winning band formed out of OSU is always going to be fun.

The concert ended around 4 p.m., so we got in line to enter the stadium. This is where I began to regret my outfit choice. 

A bit of advice, ripped jeans, a hoodie and jersey are not enough to fight off 23 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill.

I couldn’t let my friends know I was cold — I’d never hear the end of it. I was fine, it was only two hours until puck drop at that point.

We were sitting in front of the jumbotron, but that’s what we get for purchasing $21 tickets. The view was still good, but it was funny knowing something happened on the ice and watching everyone whip their heads around to watch the replay on the screen.

The first period was uneventful as no one scored. The first intermission entertainment was Columbus-native rock duo Twenty One Pilots. Middle-school Madison was so excited to watch them perform even if it was the back of their heads.

I want to take a moment to thank my friend, Alison Butz, for giving me a pack of Hothands even though I left mine in the car. She completely saved me from still being frozen to the bleachers today.

The second period saw more action with Columbus taking the lead, 3-1. The third period had everyone biting their nails. 

At that point, I was so cold I didn’t care who won — I just wanted to get back to the car. I jinxed us. Detroit tied the game with less than five minutes left. 

Columbus pulled through though, scoring two goals in that time even with two shots on an empty net hitting the post.

Even though I almost froze to death, I would freeze time and time again to experience this. 

Almost 95,000 people screaming, cheering and chanting “Johnny Hockey” in memory of Johnny Gaudreau was ethereal.