By Jambar Contributor
Victoria Remley
Board Game Night brought people together for a night of worry-free fun. The night was held Oct. 4 from 3 to 10 p.m. in Kilcawley Center in Bresnahan 1 and 2.
Games ranged from Uno or Sushi Go! to strategy games like Dead of Winter or Betrayal at House on the Hill. There were also be resource-focused games such as Settlers of Catan, Dungeons & Dragons and Lords of Waterdeep.
President of the Modern Board Game Club, Kaitlin McClendon, and vice president Erik Glasgow kept the club alive when the main organizer of the group graduated.
“We did not want to see those nights end, so we took up the mantle under the Urban Gaming Club,” McClendon said.
Board Game Night events are for everyone on Youngstown State University’s campus.
People can test games they have created at the event. Some people come to Board Game Night to run a tabletop role-playing game.
McClendon said Board Game Night is a great escape from stress and schoolwork.
“School is stressful, plain and simple. It helps to have a night where, even if it’s only for an hour or for several, you can do something inconsequential and fun,” McClendon said.
McClendon said the night is intended for fun and Modern Board Game Club members are willing to teach anyone who walks in how to play any game.
“We are always willing to teach people how to play and Board Game Night opens your eyes to a whole world of entertaining games beyond just Monopoly,” McClendon said.
McClendon said Board Game Night is a great way to meet people and make friends.
She said it did not take long to set up the night.
“Erik and I, along with other Urban Gaming Club moderators, already had a relatively sizable game collection, and people who attend also bring their games to share. It’s a group effort. We just need a room and some tables and we’re good to go,” McClendon said.
Ronald Stauffer, a member of the group, said he enjoys the competition most during Board Game Night.
“I enjoy the competition. Definitely the competition,” Stauffer said.
Ciera Flickinger, also a member of the group, said she likes how friendly everyone is.
“There’s no judgment, which makes it a lot of fun. It makes everything very laid back and a good time for everybody involved,” Flickinger said.
Gwen Mayberry, a group member, said it is nice to be with people who like to play board games.
“When you don’t have a lot of friends that want to play the same things that you do it’s hard to do much of anything. Every couple weeks I can come here and relax and have fun,” Mayberry said.
Future Board Game Night events are Oct. 18, Nov. 15, Nov. 29 and Dec. 13 at 3 p.m.
For more information, call Kaitlin McClendon at (330) 519-7489 or email