By Najah Morgan
Jambar Contributor
Working out and leading a healthy lifestyle is important. However, many members of the Youngstown State University faculty and staff struggle with fitting it into their busy lives.
Carrie Clyde, wellness coordinator at YSU, said everyone faces the challenge of fitting working out and eating healthy into their schedule.
“I suggest that a person schedules their workout for the week, set a goal for themselves, determine what it is they are trying to achieve and set realistic goals,” Clyde said.
YSU operates the Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center in Kilcawley Center that is available to students, faculty and staff.
Clyde said employees can get a membership for $100 a year, and this gives them full use of the facility.
“Working out doesn’t have to be so difficult. There are a number of ways a person can get some exercise in. But I think as a society we look at it as the rigor of exercise can be difficult,” she said.
There are several programs open to faculty and staff members who want to exercise and learn how to lead a healthier lifestyle.
One such program is Weight Watchers at Work.
“In January 2020, YSU will be offering a new program called Naturally Slim that will focus on the behaviors of what we are eating and why we are eating it,” Clyde said.
Vaughn Myers, associate director of Kilcawley Center, said he uses the rec center about four days a week.
“I open the building, so my schedule is 6 a.m. until 3 p.m. I made it a part of my lifestyle to work out when I get off at 3 p.m.,” Myers said.
He said he has been using the rec center and sticking to this set schedule for the past five years.
“Working out is a great stress reliever, and studies have shown that it releases endorphins that make you feel better. The more you do it the better you will feel,” he said.
Domonique Sak, coordinator of club sports and summer camps, said everyone’s definition of a workout is different. She defines workout as anything that relieves your stress and gets your heart rate going.
“I personally like to walk the track and play basketball as my workout. For others it may be utilizing the equipment at the rec,” Sak said.
Sak said it’s always a good idea to take a step back from your work environment and get away to clear your mind, so that when you revisit that task or assignment, you have a clear mindset.
For more information on YSU’s wellness programs at the rec, contact Clyde at